PYSC Scholarship
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Field Locations
Inscripciones abiertas del 6/6/2024 al 19/7/2024. ¡$5 de descuento si te registras antes de finales de junio!
Registration is open for Fall 2024. Register by the end of June for a $5 discount.
Fecha límite para la solicitud de becas de la temporada de otoño: 30 de junio.
Parkrose Soccer Club has a new registration process beginning for Fall 2024. Scholarship deadline is June 30th.
Registration is open January 15th - February 21st. We love our volunteers! Volunteer coaches make recreational youth soccer possib...
Come register for the 2022 Fall season!
June is here, and so is early registration for Fall soccer!
Information regarding the decision to cancel the Spring 2020 season, as well as a statement from PYSA.
PYSA has provided information on COVID-19 regarding the 2020 Spring season.
Early-bird prices until February 1st!
Alameda Elementary School (AES)
Alberta Park (AP)
Albert Kelly Park (AKP)
Albina Park (ABP)
Aprill Hill (AH)
Arbor Lodge Park (ALP)
Brentwood Park (BP)
Buckman Elementary (BE)
Clinton Park (CP)
Custer Park (CSP)
Parkrose Youth Soccer Club PO Box 30555 Portland, Oregon 97294